Good and Bad Treats and Foods for your Dog

What treats are good for your dog for the holidays?
‘Tis the season to be jolly and what better way to spread the love than to show your pet how much you care? You will be enjoying rich, decadent treats this festive season. Undoubtedly, you will want to give your dog a treat or two as well. As a leading dog daycare, boarding, and training center, K9 University thought now would be a good time to share some information regarding good and bad treat ideas for your dogs.
Bad dog treats
- Anything with caffeine: It may sound strange, but some dogs like the taste of coffee. Humans are much larger than dogs and can handle the amount of caffeine in soda and a latte, but this caffeine could lead to heart palpitations and rapid breathing in dogs.
- Ice cream: Some dogs are lactose intolerant and the dairy in ice cream could give them severe stomach cramps. Even if you know that your dog is okay with dairy and milk, there’s too much sugar in ice cream for it to be safe for your pet.
- Grapes and raisins: These are great treats for kids, but they can have a devastating effect on dogs. Even a small amount could damage your dog’s kidneys or make it depressed.
- Chocolate: in addition to containing caffeine, chocolate has a toxic component called. Humans easily metabolize theobromine, but dogs process it much more slowly, allowing it to build up to toxic levels in their system. A chocolate chip cookie can cause problems for a little dog, and a bag of chocolate chips can spell trouble for a big one. Sorry, sweet doggies, no chocolate!
- Onion or garlic: The small amount of garlic sometimes found in dog treats is unlikely to be harmful to dogs. However, if dogs lick a tasty pan of sautéed onions, garlic, or leeks, poisoning may result. These vegetables can cause red blood cell destruction (specifically, Heinz body formation) and result in anemia. Ingestions of onions or garlic of more than 0.5% of dog’s body weight are potentially toxic.
Good dog treats
- Peanut butter: This treat is packed with vitamins and protein. Make sure you give them a light, sugar-free version though.
- Cheese: If your dog doesn’t get sick or experience discomfort when ingesting dairy, then cheese is a great holiday treat.
- Yogurt: This might not be top of mind when it comes to ‘special holiday treats’, but you might be buying extra yogurt for guests or even to use when cooking sauces or other dishes. The high amount of calcium and protein makes this a great treat for dogs. Make sure you’re giving them a sugar-free yogurt, though.
Need more advice about dog care or a dog daycare center to take your dog during the festive season? Simply contact us via email or telephone at K9 University today.