dog training basics Chicago

Dog Training Basics Chicago Pet Owners Should Teach Their Dog

Dog training is an essential part of dog ownership. Trained dogs are more confident and better behaved. Training stimulates dogs and improves their mental state. There are several training commands your dog must learn. This article will review dog training basics Chicago owners should teach their furry friends. Why is Dog Training Essential? It Improves …

Guide to a Smooth Back to School Transition for Dogs

Helping Your Dog Transition Smoothly During Back-to-School Season

The end of summer is upon us. Children around the country are heading back to school. Parents may be grateful to regain some ‘me time’, but they will miss the pitter-patter of little feet. Do you know who else will miss your children? Your dog.  Dogs enjoy playing with children during the summer. When children …

Age appropriate nutrition for dogs

Age-Appropriate Dog Weight and Nutrition: How to Feed Your Puppy, Adult or Senior Dog

It’s important to feed your dog a healthy diet considering their weight and age. Your dog must get the nutrients it needs to maintain and repair body tissue. The nutrition in your dog’s food will also support energy levels and mood.  Nutritional needs vary depending on your dog’s size, and they will change as your …