Dog Coat Care

How to Prevent Your Dog from Having Bad Hair Days – (Dog Coat Care)

Keeping your dog’s skin and fur shiny and sleek is important for their overall health. Use these tips and best practices for proper dog coat care to keep their fur healthy and looking fluffy and fabulous. Dog Coat Care – Brushing Basics Brushing and regular grooming is essential for keeping your dog’s clean, healthy, and …

K9U How to Potty Train your Puppy Blog

K9UC’s Guide: How to Potty Train Your Puppy in 4 Easy Steps

In this guide on how to potty train your puppy, we will examine tips and tricks that new puppy parents can implement for new puppy. We will outline the importance of creating a safe, comfortable and functional space for your newly adopted furry friend. We’ll also pinpoint distinct, proven practices that will help your puppy …

benefits of exercise for dogs Featured Image

Walking Is More Than Great Exercise for Dogs!

We are excited to announce a new partnership with Francisco Maia, The K9PT, Chicago’s only certified mobile canine physical therapist. Many of you may already know TheK9PT, or follow their popular social media feeds, and are familiar with their work. For others, we would like to introduce his services to our clients with the recommendation …

Dog Agility Training

Back to school dog training this fall – from K9 University – dog boarding and training in Chicago

Fall is such a fantastic season – beautiful colors, a slight chill in the air (without the freezing temperatures of winter) and of course, it’s also back to school time. But what about your four-legged family member? Can they enjoy a little back to school excitement too? Actually yes! Most people believe that spring and …